Syrian Earthquake Emergency: Open Arms' First Humanitarian Medical Relief Flight
In response to the terrible humanitarian emergency caused by the devastating earthquake that struck Turkey and northwestern Syria on February 6, a team led by Open Arms has delivered 24 tons of humanitarian aid, electro-medical equipment and hygiene supplies to 3 hospitals in the cities of Afrin and Jinderes in northwestern Syria.

In the hours immediately following the earthquake, a team from Open Arms and SAR Navarra (NGO specialized in emergencies and disasters) went on an Analysis and Evaluation Mission (EDAN) to the areas most affected by the earthquake in northwestern Syria, a place controlled by groups opposed to the regime of Bashar al-Assad and punished by 12 years of war.
Worst natural disaster in the region for more than a century
In the days following the earthquake, the team witnessed utter devastation and abandonment by the international community.
For this reason, and as a result of the strategic alliance with the Solidaire organization, and in collaboration with SAR-Navarra and the Association for the Support of the Syrian People, we carried out a first humanitarian flight to the area a few days ago with 24 tons of humanitarian aid, as well as electro-medical equipment, consumables, orthopedic and sanitary materials.
At the urgent request of Aqrabat Hospital, Al-Shifaa Hospital and Atmeh Charity Hospital, located in the Syrian areas most affected by the earthquake, we delivered medical equipment such as ultrasound scanners, surgical instruments and other materials to their medical teams.
And we went to the refugee camp in Jinderes, where thousands of homeless people are living in tents, and delivered basic necessities (kitchen kits and food) to 500 families.
This was the first of what will be many more in the near future, and it was made possible thanks to all of you who responded to this emergency.
Given that the effects of this tragic earthquake will be felt for a long time, we expect to make several flights in the coming weeks. Therefore, your support is critical to saving lives in this humanitarian emergency.
Help us save lives in Syria.