Our task has been internationally recognized
Gold Medal in Social Work 2018.
Awarded by the Official College of Social Work of Catalonia
Enric Martínez i Julià Award 2019.
Awarded by the Sant Pere Apòstol Centre of Barcelona
Awarded by the CCOO union of Castilla-La Mancha and the Foundation Institute of Social Studies
Open Arms is a "supporting entity" of Human Rights at Sea, which is an independent international platform for the preservation of human rights at sea.
Open Arms is an entity associated to the Department of Public Information of the United Nations.
Member of More Sustainable Barcelona Network.
UNICEF Spanish Committee Transforma Award
Awarded by the Spanish Committee of UNICEF.
ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism
Awarded by the Puffin Foundation and the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA).
Creu de Sant Jordi Prize
Given by the Government of Catalonia.
European Citizen’s Prize
Given by members of the European Parliament.
HERO Awards
Given by the International Maritime Rescue Federation.
National Human Rights Award
Given by the Spanish Human Rights Association.