Three humanitarian flights #UkranianEmergency
With the purpose of giving an immediate answer to the unprecedented emergency, resulting from the armed conflict in Ukraine for more than a month, Open Arms has decided to take action and establish an operational base in Warsow (Poland) to organize humanitarian flights that guarantee the transfer of people fleeing and in need of refugee.
Between the past March 12 and 22, we have organized an evacuation operation in record time that transferred 345 people to some Italian cities and 222 people to Barcelona and Madrid, thanks to the exceptional collaboration of some organizations of civil population and municipalities.

Thanks to the signature of a collaboration protocol with Caritas Italiana organization, the transfers have been coordinated jointly and they have guaranteed the reception of people in Italian territory and their assistance during the stay in the country. The support received by Pro style Foundation in Poland and from the entities Audax, DKV Integralia Foundation and Ergo Hestia is also key with their apportation of volunteers and translators.
Open Arms will remain in Warsaw (Poland) with a displaced team, to continue on the ground and understand the needs related to the conflict, with the objective of organize more humanitarian corridors thanks to the strategic alliance with the Solidaire organization that has a Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner plane, capable of carrying 250 people in every flight.
Likewise, the operations team in Barcelona has continued for 2 weeks with the logistics coordination of ground shipments of essential materials for the civil population, under de coordination of the General Consulate in Barcelona.
We reiterate once again that our mission is to protect life. We are where we are needed to defend the rights, the dignity and safety of every human being. We hope that this tragic war, which has forced millions of people to move, will be an opportunity to rethink European migration policies to affirm, once it all, that lives are all equal and must be equally protected.